Volunteering for KNA is always flexible and at a time to suit you. Become a new volunteer to help Kew Neighbours
We have a range of opportunities to choose from.
Could you drive a Kew Neighbour to their GP surgery, a hospital, dental, rehabititation or podiatrist appointment? Or to an educational or social activities such as The Avenue Club in Kew?
Could you make a real difference to a Kew Neighbour by meeting for a chat, a game such as cards or chess, going out for a coffee, a walk or an outing?
Could you help a Kew Neighbour with a bit of pruning, tidying, weeding or lawn mowing?
We have opportunities to work in the office booking appointments or help with office admin / IT, promotional and fundraising campaigns, or as a trustee.
Contact us
You can volunteer as much or as little as you like - whenever you can fit it in, or on a regular basis. Just one drive a month, meeting up for a chat once a fortnight, or some occasional light gardening or shopping makes a real difference to people living in Kew.
Volunteering for us is a great way to get to know Kew better and make new friends. It's also very rewarding and your time will be greatly appreciated.
Volunteer case studies
"I greatly enjoy taking neighbours to appointments
- the diversity of people and experience in Kew never ceases to fascinate."
Andrew, Kew Neighbours Volunteer
"As a newcomer to Kew, Kew Neighbourhood Association has allowed me to get to know my local community better."
Jenny, Kew Neighbours Volunteer