Kew Neighbours can help local residents in a number of ways
Can we help you with...
Volunteer drivers can take you to GP surgeries, hospitals, dentists, rehabilitation clinics and podiatrists, as well as educational and social activities such as The Avenue Club.
Our companions can visit you for a chat, a game of cards or chess, go out for a coffee, or a walk with you or accompany you on an outing.
We can take you to the shops and give you a hand, or if you can’t get out, we can do your supermarket shopping for you or even set you up with online shopping.
Light Gardening
We can undertake light gardening jobs like weeding or lawnmowing that you are no longer able to manage.
Contact us
Check if you live within our area

If you don’t, we’ve included a list of other similar organisations within the
London Borough of Richmond which may be able to help you.