Donations and funding enables Kew Neighbourhood Association to reach more people in need of our support. Every donation and all the funding we receive helps people in Kew who need our help to live more fulfilling lives whilst maintaining their own independence.
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In 2011 Joan Blackwell thoughtfully left a bequest in her Will. This bequest enabled Kew Neighbourhood Association to develop its Companionship Programme and to make ethical investments.
In 2019 Joan Dunk (KNA Volunteer) and her husband Peter (KNA Client) kindly left 10% of their assets in their Will to KNA. This was invaluable in enabling KNA meet the increase in demand during the Covid-19 pandemic and as we made adjustments coming out of the pandemic.
In 2023 a housebound client that KNA had supported for eight years, providing Shopping and Companionship, passed away leaving the generous sum of £10,000 in their Will for which we are extremely grateful.
And in 2024 two thoughtful people left legacies of around £1,000 in their Wills.
In 2027, KNA will be 50 years old. Currently our cashflow shows we need to raise funds to ensure we can reach our 50th birthday without dropping into a critical level of reserves. All fundraising helps ensure we can continue to match volunteers with vulnerable and frail people in Kew who value our support so much.
"KNA has been so helpful in driving us to medical appointments since we had to give up our car. The service is so good and everyone is so kind."
A couple in their 90's in Kew. A KNA Driving Volunteer neighbour recommended they sign up to KNA so they had a bigger pool of helpful volunteers to assist them.
We are also grateful for each of our annual, monthly and one off individual donors who help KNA. The generosity of these donors boosts funding currently provided by Richmond Foundation and London Borough of Richmond Upon Thames.
Kew Neighbours financial policy is to ensure sufficient funds are held in reserve to keep the organisation running for 12 months. Donations and funding enables us to seek further match funding to develop projects that enhance what Kew Neighbours is able to offer. For example, we were able to secure £10,000 of public funds from the London Borough of Richmond's 'Village Fund' by matching the same amount of money. This was achieved through funding from our reserves and successful applications to Kew Fete, Kew Market and support from Kew Sparkle, the Rotary Club of Kew Gardens and St Luke's Church Ball.
To find out more about leaving a bequest or individual giving, please contact our Director, Abi Palmer on
07951 293 319 or email
Can you make a Donation? One off or monthly?
Do visit KNA's Donations Page.